The Pay Transparency Alliance

We are a coalition of forward-thinking European companies committed to addressing the complexities of Pay Transparency.
Together, we form a total solution for organisations implementing Pay Transparency
Members of the Pay Transparency Alliance

About the Pay Transparency Alliance

We are a coalition of forward-thinking European companies, agencies, consultants and ambassadeurs, all committed to address and solve the complexities of Pay Transparency.  
With the EU Pay Transparency Directive already changing the landscape of compensation and the importance of equitable rewards structures, it’s more crucial than ever for organisations to stay compliant with new pay transparency regulations.

For companies in the European Union, the principle of pay transparency is no longer a recommendation, it’s a legal requirement - yet many organisations remain unprepared and unequipped to deal with this major shift in equal pay legislation.
Consultants & Agencies
The Pay Transparency Alliance brings together some of the brightest minds and vendors in the pay transparency space and gives organisations real, actionable strategies to optimize their own pay philosophies and achieve internal pay equity.

We’ve created a network of companies and professionals who work together to deliver a powerful, all-in-one solution for pay transparency - giving members the knowledge and tools they need to ensure compliance with emerging legislation.
With the EU Pay Transparency Directive already changing the landscape of compensation and the importance of equitable rewards structures, it’s more crucial than ever for organisations to stay compliant with new pay transparency regulations.

For companies in the European Union, the principle of pay transparency is no longer a recommendation, it’s a legal requirement - yet many organisations remain unprepared and unequipped to deal with this major shift in equal pay legislation.
Why the Pay Transparency Alliance?
With the EU Pay Transparency Directive already changing the landscape of compensation and the importance of equitable rewards structures, it’s more crucial than ever for organisations to stay compliant with new pay transparency regulations.

For companies in the European Union, the principle of pay transparency is no longer a recommendation, it’s a legal requirement - yet many organisations remain unprepared and unequipped to deal with this major shift in equal pay legislation.

Therefore, we have put together an exclusive network of some of the best companies and individuals out there, all with a deep commitment to solve Pay Transparency for the end customer.
Organizations that conduct regular pay audits as part of their transparency initiatives report a 40% reduction in legal claims related to pay disparities, according to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Companies with pay transparency policies experience a 50% reduction in employee turnover compared to those without such policies how pay transparency can lead to improved employee retention
Our Services
The Pay Transparency Alliance brings together some of the brightest minds and vendors in the pay transparency space and gives organisations real, actionable strategies to optimize their own pay philosophies and achieve internal pay equity.

We’ve created a network of companies and professionals who work together to deliver a powerful, all-in-one solution for pay transparency - giving members the knowledge and tools they need to ensure compliance with emerging legislation.
  • Pay Transparency platform
  • Job Architecture
  • HCM/HRIS platforms
  • Pay Equity tools
  • Legal & Compliance
  • Benchmark providers
  • Certification providers
  • Salary setting tools
Why should I join the alliance
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pay Transparency?
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Pay transparency is the practice of openly sharing information about employee compensation within an organization. This includes disclosing salary ranges, pay scales, bonus structures, and other financial benefits. The primary goal is to promote fairness, equity, and trust among employees.Why is Pay Transparency Important?

Promotes Fairness and Equity: By making compensation structures visible, companies can address and reduce pay disparities related to gender, race, and other personal characteristics. This ensures fair treatment and builds a more inclusive workplace.

Increases Employee Trust and Engagement: Transparent pay practices foster trust between employees and management. When employees understand how pay decisions are made, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated, leading to higher engagement and productivity.

Attracts and Retains Talent: Organizations that practice pay transparency can attract top talent who value fairness and openness. It also helps in retaining employees by reducing turnover rates, as workers are less likely to seek other opportunities if they believe they are being compensated fairly.

Implementing pay transparency is a powerful step towards creating a more equitable and productive work environment.
When does the EU Pay Transparency Directive go live?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet elementum turpis. Sed malesuada rhoncus orci, id tempor metus laoreet sed. Vestibulum semper, ipsum sed maximus sodales, nisi arcu suscipit libero, sed lacinia erat odio et odio. Curabitur non quam imperdiet nisi faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum est eros, sagittis in ultricies eu, hendrerit eu felis. Sed dapibu
How do I join the Pay Transparency Alliance?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet elementum turpis. Sed malesuada rhoncus orci, id tempor metus laoreet sed. Vestibulum semper, ipsum sed maximus sodales, nisi arcu suscipit libero, sed lacinia erat odio et odio. Curabitur non quam imperdiet nisi faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum est eros, sagittis in ultricies eu, hendrerit eu felis. Sed dapibu
What kind of partners is in the network?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet elementum turpis. Sed malesuada rhoncus orci, id tempor metus laoreet sed. Vestibulum semper, ipsum sed maximus sodales, nisi arcu suscipit libero, sed lacinia erat odio et odio. Curabitur non quam imperdiet nisi faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum est eros, sagittis in ultricies eu, hendrerit eu felis. Sed dapibu
How do I buy your services?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet elementum turpis. Sed malesuada rhoncus orci, id tempor metus laoreet sed. Vestibulum semper, ipsum sed maximus sodales, nisi arcu suscipit libero, sed lacinia erat odio et odio. Curabitur non quam imperdiet nisi faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum est eros, sagittis in ultricies eu, hendrerit eu felis. Sed dapibu
“Driven by passion and guided by principle, the Pay Transparency Alliance empowers organisations to become champions of transparent pay practices by sharing expert knowledge and delivering a seamless total solution for achieving pay equity.”
Oscar Meivert
CEO, Sysarb

Join the alliance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sit amet elementum turpis. Sed malesuada rhoncus orci, id tempor metus laoreet sed. Vestibulum semper, ipsum sed maximus sodales, nisi arcu suscipit libero, sed lacinia erat odio et odio. Curabitur non quam imperdiet nisi faucibus accumsan. Vestibulum est eros, sagittis in ultricies eu, hendrerit eu felis. Sed dapibu
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